Monday 24 October 2016

Hollywood FL Area’s Top Vet on Alternative Drug Free Pain Treatment

Hollywood FL Area’s Top Vet Offers 3 Alternative Drug Free Pain Treatment Options

If you have a pet that suffers from arthritis, old age or joint sprains, you may want to consider three alternative therapies; pet massage, acupuncture and veterinary laser treatments. All three are drug free, pain free, non-invasive treatments meaning no harmful or debilitating side effects that are sometimes associated with traditional therapies. Each therapy is a unique approach to providing a similar result —a reduction of joint pain and discomfort resulting in a more active and pain free life for your pet. Here is a brief rundown on how they work:
Pain Relieving, Stress Reducing Pet Massage Therapy
As humans we generally think positively of a massage. A therapeutic massage addresses specific muscle groups that relieves strain and provides a sense of stress free wellbeing. A professional pet massage does the same thing for your four footed friend.
Pet massage can:
  • Increase circulation and the distribution of oxygen
  • Boosts the immune system
  • Releases endorphins
Animal massage has actually been practiced for over 4000 years to help work animals become more effective. Now you can use this ancient and proven system on your own pet.
Does Your Pet Deserve the Same Treatment as a Superstar Athlete?
When a pro football player has a back pain or a hip strain they can get immediate relief right in the clubhouse via laser therapy. Light energy has amazing rejuvenating qualities and has been used for decades on humans. Today, those same excellent light energy benefits are available for pets.
At DPC our trained veterinarians and technicians are equipped with the latest pet laser equipment. Your pet feels a mild warming that is applied to the affected area. This sense of warmth has often caused dogs to relax to the point that they fall asleep during the treatment. The results are amazing and long lasting depending on the underlying cause.
Eastern Medicine Finds Its Way to Western Veterinary Care
Used for centuries to treat both humans and animals, DPC is one of the few veterinarian clinics in the Hollywood/Fort Lauderdale area to offer pet acupuncture. It's not for every ailment but for those that can be treated it is very effective. Acupuncture can often be used to resolve:
  • Chronic pain
  • Musculoskeletal conditions
  • Gastrointestinal issues
  • Respiratory problem
Talk to our professional staff to determine if acupuncture is appropriate for your pet. If holistic care is a concern of yours or if you simply want to provide your pet with pain free, drug free treatment call us today at (954) 989-9879 to discuss our alternative therapies.

Thursday 20 October 2016

Ft Lauderdale Area’s Top Vet on 4 Ways Dogs Improve Your Well Being

Ft Lauderdale Area’s Top Vet Offers 4 Ways Dog Ownership Can Improve Your Well-Being

Many people think that owning a pet will do nothing but increase stress. The pet will need food, attention, care, and vet visits, which increase costs and make any outing more difficult. However, dog owners have actually been proven to live longer, happier, and healthier lives. Here are a few reasons you should consider taking a trip to your local animal shelter:
Exercise Requirement
All dogs, even the tiny ones, need regular exercise. This demand to either go out to a yard and play fetch or go out on a walk will keep you active and healthy by insisting that you get up and get out.
A daily walk with your dog may not be an hour at the gym but even just getting up to take a stroll in the mornings can make you feel noticeably better and may actually improve your sleep. You can always walk other people’s dogs as well.
Smiling, throwing a ball for your dog, and laughing when they make a silly face may not do your body the same good a walk will but is does do your mind good. Smiling can actually make you feel happier as can laughing and, with a dog, every day brings a smile or a laugh.
Social Opportunities
Social interaction is extremely important for your mental and emotional well-being as humans are social animals. It can be tough to find an excuse to go out alone, however when you have a dog, you never have to go out alone.
Each day your dog brings you outside for a walk or a jaunt to the dog park, they are offering you innumerable social opportunities. They bring you out into the public eye and provide a ready-made icebreaker. You can bond with other dog owners or strike up a love-struck stranger who has stopped to pet your dog. Dogs bring you out and draw people in.
Unconditional Love
Another hugely beneficial aspect of owning a dog is the unconditional love they provide. Dogs can alleviate depression simply by waiting to greet you when you get home. Coming home to an empty house can aggravate preexisting depression as can a lack of affection. Dogs, regardless of what kind of person you are. A dog can serve as a warm cuddle buddy to curl up and watch your favorite TV shows with, which can do wonders for your mental well-being.
Stress Reduction
Dog owners have been shown to have lower blood pressure and a decreased risk of heart disease. Simply owning a dog acts as a stress reducer. The combination of love, exercise, and humorous antics makes a dog a ready-made companion with the added benefits of limiting your stress and improving your mood.
Furthermore, the act of caring for another living thing can ramp up your desire to live healthier and be better. Tending to your dog’s needs and seeing them blossom under your care is a reward in itself, acting as a wonderful way to decrease symptoms of several mental illnesses.
If you needed another reason to go out and adopt a dog, consider that dog ownership can help you live a longer, happier life in a multitude of ways. A dog will force you to stay active; they will love you no matter what, and they will help you meet potential new friends simply by going to the park.
Though dogs can complicate your life and, of course, require money for their food and care, the benefits of becoming a pet owner far outweigh the negatives. Somewhere near you, a shelter dog is waiting to make your life better. Get up and head to your nearest animal shelter to find your new best friend.
Image via Pixabay by taniadimas

Wednesday 21 September 2016

Heartworm Ft. Lauderdale Top Vet Explains What You Need To Know

Heartworm—Ft Lauderdale Top Vet Explains What You Need to Know to Save Your Pet
What is Heartworm?
Heartworm is a type of roundworm transmitted by mosquitoes that lives inside blood vessels of the lungs the heart. It can be a very serious condition that in addition to the heart and lungs can also affect the central nervous system, liver, kidneys and eyes. If left untreated it can potentially be fatal to your pet

What are the Symptoms?
The symptoms of heartworm disease can be difficult to detect. They may be very subtle at first and include:
  • Lack of appetite
  • Weight loss
  • Coughing
  • Lack of energy
As the worms increase so may the symptoms. It’s important to recognize them early on to prevent permanent damage or death.
Which pets are at the greatest risk?
Heartworm infections are increasing throughout the United States and are most prevalent in the southeast. Heartworm disease is more commonly thought of as a condition in dogs but can also affect cats bitten by a mosquito. Talk to your vet about how to mitigate the risks for your pet.
How is heartworm diagnosed?
There are simple blood tests that can usually diagnose heartworm quickly.
What can I do to prevent it?
ProHeart® 6 (moxidectin) is an injection that provides 6 full months of continuous heartworm protection in a single dose. One visit to our veterinary office can provide your pet with extended protection from heartworm disease. There are a number of medications that treat and prevent various heartworm in pets including pills, chewables and topical liquids. Those treatments generally need to be administered monthly and a missed dose could put your dog at risk for heartworm disease which is why we recommend ProHeart® 6 for many pets.
If you are concerned that your pet may have heartworm or are interested in prevention call our Davie Florida veterinary office today at (954) 989-9879 and schedule an appointment.

Sunday 31 July 2016

Benefits of Dog Massage Explained by Ft Lauderdale Canine Massage Therapist

The Benefits of Dog Massage Explained by Ft Lauderdale’s Top Canine Massage Therapist

You love a good massage and you can be sure your dog will as well. For many dog owners especially those with older pets surfing chronic pain canine massage is the ultimate in personalized care. If you are new to canine massage you should know that it is not a new therapy. There is evidence that dogs and other animals have been receiving massages from humans going back nearly 4,000 years. Undoubtedly those early massages were administered to enhance performance or as maintenance. We don't rely on animals to assist us like we did long ago but that doesn't mean that their bodies don't still need our care to give them long, comfortable lives.
Dog massage is not just petting and rubbing but intentional stroking of specific muscle and tissue groups designed to make changes in their physiology and emotional state. An effective canine massage can improve your dog's mood and demeanor, relieve stress and give relief to arthritic joints. You know how good you feel after a massage, your dog will feel the same way.
Benefits of a Fort Lauderdale Canine Massage
Not surprisingly, the benefits of dog massage are not unlike the benefits that humans experience from massage including:
  • Improved mobility, mood and demeanor
  • Improved circulation allowing oxygen and nutrients to reach muscles and tissues not regularly used by your pet.
  • Dog massage boosts endorphin release (natural pain killers released by the brain). Pets with arthritis pain, sprains or simply old age will benefit from this drug free treatment that has no negative side effects.
  • A canine massage will stimulate the lymphatic system increasing filtration and removal of cellular waste products. Further, it will enhance the transportation of nutrients and immune system components to the muscles.
Using a combination of compression and direct pressure a professional dog massage therapist can provide significant relief for dog's suffering from Lyme's disease, hip dysplasia and other conditions that hinder the pet's mobility. However, canine massage does not take the place of professional pet care. It is a drug free therapy but it has its limitations.
If you have questions regarding dog massages in Fort Lauderdale or think your pet can benefit from our expert dog massage therapist at DPC Veterinary Hospital, give us a call now. Your four-legged buddy will be glad you did.

Thursday 21 July 2016

New Veterinarian Joins DPC Veterinary Hospital in Davie

(Davie, FL) July 21, 2016
DPC Veterinary Hospital Welcomes Dr. Duke to their Clinic
The veterinarians and staff all are pleased to announce that Dr. Jessica Duke has joined the clinic and in July of 2016 will begin seeing patients at the Davie, FL office located at 6991 Stirling Road.
“We are excited to welcome Dr. Duke to our clinic,” said Nancy Abecassis cohospital director at DPC. “She brings enthusiasm, poise and a kind, gentle nature with her to DPC.” 
Dr. Jessica Duke is native of Colorado. After finishing her BS in Biological Sciences at Colorado State University she travelled to St. Kitts to obtain her veterinary degree from Ross University School of Veterinary Medicine. After completing her clinical year at Colorado State University Dr. Duke moved to Miami and worked for two years at Banfield Pet Hospital before joining DPC.
About DPC Veterinary Hospital
DPC is a full-service veterinary clinic in Davie, Florida. Since their establishment in 2001 they have placed the care, diagnosis and treatment of pets as their primary concern. They offer a comprehensive and compassionate approach when treating patients. Their pledge is to provide the highest quality of veterinary care at an affordable price. One of their main goals has always been to make a huge dent in pet overpopulation. DPC has spayed and neutered thousands of animals to date. If you are looking to establish a relationship with a caring veterinary hospital in your local community please stop by and see them soon.
For more information or to schedule an appointment, please contact (954) 989- 9879 or visit

Thursday 16 June 2016

Hollywood FL Vet Explains Importance of Regular Pet Dental Screenings

Importance of Regular Pet Dental Screenings Explained by Hollywood FL Top Vet
Your pet’s dental health is very similar to yours. The difference is you wouldn’t go months without brushing your teeth or even years without visiting the dentist. 70% of cats and 80% of dogs have some form of dental disease by 3 years of age according to the AVMA.  Dental disease can lead to:
  • tooth loss
  • eating problems
  • bad breath
Oral disease can also affect the functioning of your pet’s vital organs, including the kidneys, liver and heart. The good news is as a pet owner there’s a lot you can do.
Here are a few tips to help safeguard your pet’s oral health.
  1. Provide your pet oral chews designed specifically for oral health, it’s an easy and effective way to help reduce the build-up of tartar on the teeth.
  2. Become familiar with your pet’s teeth at an early age. Examine their mouth regularly and check for sensitive painful areas or lesions.
  3. Use pet friendly toothpastes and rinses to reduce tartar and bacteria build-up.
The Importance of Regular Dental Consultations
To ensure your pets oral health, have your veterinarian complete a dental consult on a regular basis. A vet can determine if your pet requires a non-anesthetic dental cleaning or more extensive work under general anesthesia. Your pet remains awake during a non-anesthetic dental cleaning and it can be a great way for preventative care. A non-anesthetic dental procedure is a dental cleaning completed without anesthesia. However, not all pets are suitable candidates for this procedure, and your veterinarian will determine which is the best option for your pet based on their overall health condition. Anesthetic dental cleanings are often recommended when your pet is showing indications of more advanced oral disease. They may include; polishing, scaling, antibiotics, x-rays, extractions and blood work. Ask your vet which one is right for your pet
Pet dental work can be a serious medical procedure so always be sure that it is performed in a veterinary hospital, by a licensed vet. At DPC Veterinary Hospital in Davie Florida we offer full dental packages for your pet including a FREE consult. Call us today at (954) 989-9879 more information.

Friday 20 May 2016

Ft. Lauderdale Vet Answers FAQs on Dog Cat Cancer Screenings

Ft. Lauderdale Area’s Top Vet Answers 5 FAQs Dog and Cat Cancer Screenings
How important is dog cancer screening? Cancer in dogs, just like in humans, is an insidious disease but it metastasizes much faster in dogs and cats than in humans. Catching it early is important to successful treatment. While cats can also develop cancer, the disease is much more common in dogs and that's what we will focus on here. 
Q: What are common symptoms of cancer in dogs?
A: The symptoms of cancer in dogs are also symptoms for other diseases and conditions and that's why it's important to screen your pet for cancer. Symptoms include:
  • Loss of appetite
  • Blood or discharge from any opening
  • Difficulty swallowing
  • Abnormal swellings
  • An offensive odor
  • Vomiting
  • Lumps or swelling
  • Diarrhea
Q: What kind of screening for cancer is available for dogs?
A: The CBC and General Health Panel that we do ensures that the patient is systemically healthy and that there are no "warning signs" of trouble regarding things such as organ function or electrolyte status.
 A very high white blood cell count could indicate a pet has leukemia or an elevated blood calcium level could result from several different types of cancers,  other than that lab work alone will not accurately inform us whether or not a pet has cancer.
The screening along with X-Rays and Ultrasound would give you the best odds of detecting cancer.
Just like humans early detection of cancer or cancer risk in dogs and cats is important. At DPL Veterinary clinic we have a complete lab onsite for fast testing. May is cancer awareness month for pets and we encourage you to call us today and set up a cancer screen for your pet.

Wednesday 6 April 2016

Hollywood FL Vet Explains the Benefits of Pet Laser Therapy

The Benefits of Pet Laser Therapy Explained by the Hollywood Florida’s Areas Top vet

If your older cat or dog has is in pain or has lost some of the bounce in its step consult a Hollywood, FL vet and discuss the appropriateness of pet laser therapy. Laser therapy has been around for decades for humans and is used to treat athletes for back strain, sore shoulders, knee pain and other ailments. Today the same treatment that NFL pros routinely receive in the locker room is now available for dogs and cats.
If you have an older pet the odds are 1 in 5 that it will develop arthritis but even if it doesn't the tissue around joints will start to deteriorate as part of the natural aging process. In either case your pet will slow down simply to avoid the pain associated with arthritis or "creaky joints."  Laser therapy can rejuvenate those tissues at the cellular level bringing instant relief from discomfort and providing the foundation for healthy cell growth.
How Pet Laser Therapy Works
Lasers are amazingly useful devices for a wide range of diverse tasks including bouncing signals off satellites, slicing metal, precise microsurgery, and in the case of pets, cellular rejuvenation. Lasers are essentially sources of "light energy" that can be tuned to perform specific tasks.
In veterinary use, a small handheld laser emitter is passed over the affected area of the pet by a trained veterinarian delivering "light energy packets." This energy is absorbed by the damaged cells triggering the production of ATP, a substance that fuels the rejuvenation and repair of cells. The more ATP produced the faster the cells are rejuvenated.
For your pet this is a relaxing, no stress experience similar to the way you feel when getting a massage. Your pet will feel a healing warmth and some dogs have been known to get so relaxed they fall asleep. For discomfort associated with arthritis or aging tissue the results are almost immediate and your pet will leave the vet feeling much better than he or she felt when they arrived.
Laser therapy has significant advantages over other treatments. There is no preparation required, no shaving of fur or fasting, obviously no surgical procedure is needed and it is far safer and more desirable than a drug therapy.

If you would like to give your four legged buddy relief from the creaks and pains of getting older, give DPC Veterinary Clinic, a Hollywood favorite pick for animal care a call today for details or to set an appointment. 

Anesthesia Free Pet Dental Cleaning Hollywood FL Vet Explains

What is an Anesthesia Free Pet Dental Cleaning? Hollywood FL Vet Explains

Does your dog or cat need a pet teeth cleaning. Your pet's dental health is just as important to their overall health as good dental health is for humans and just like humans selecting a dentist, you want to ensure that the Hollywood, FL vet that performs the cleaning is
trained and experienced in dental care.
Too often owners put off pet teeth cleaning because it is not an inexpensive procedure and traditionally requires anesthesia, an aspect of teeth cleaning that may put some pets at risk. However, there is an alternative approach to teeth cleaning called non-anesthetic teeth cleaning that some pets may be candidates for that requires no anesthetic and is significantly less expensive.
Don't Neglect Your Pet's Dental Health
If your pet's teeth are brown or yellow they have a buildup of tartar and plaque, two substances that can contribute to serious gum disease. If gum disease is left untreated it can result in the loss of teeth, but just like humans, it can allow bacteria to enter the bloodstream and damage other organs in the body or even cause a complete shutdown of an organ.
If you opt for non-anesthetic teeth cleaning your pet will be evaluated for the risk of existing gum disease. If the risk is minimal your pet will become a candidate for the non-anesthetic technique.
What Does Non-Anesthetic Teeth Cleaning Involve?
Cleaning your cat or dog's teeth using this technique requires a vet or technician that is specifically trained in the process. Because your pet is not being put under, it has to be carefully and gently restrained to allow the technician access to the back teeth. It's much like you opening your mouth at the dentist but of course your pet doesn't know what's going on.
The pet dentist then uses a scaling device that resembles the same tool a dentist uses on a patient to scrape the tarter and plaque off each tooth down to the gum line. This results in white teeth and ending any bad doggie/cat breath that may have been caused by the buildup.
If you think your pet might be a candidate for non-anesthetic teeth cleaning then it's important to know that we have a non-anesthetic dental day scheduled for April 29, 2016 where we are offering the service for $189.00. Call today for details and/or an appointment.

Thursday 25 February 2016

Hollywood FL’s Top Vet Explains Brain Tumor Treatment

Hollywood FL’s Top Vet Explains Why Brain Tumors in Cats and Dogs are So Challenging to Treat
While brain tumors occur in both dogs and cats, particularly those over 5 years old, tumors are more common in dogs with some breeds, boxer, Boston terrier and golden retrievers actually being predisposed to the disease.
Brain tumors in both species are identified as primary or secondary. Primary tumors are those where the tumor originated within the brain or its membrane and include meningioma, glioma, choroid plexus papilloma, and pituitary adenoma or adenocarcinoma. Secondary tumors are caused by cancer that has metastasized to the brain from some other area in the pet's body. Examples of secondary tumors include hemangiosarcoma, mammary carcinoma, and melanoma. Unfortunately, these tumors have a very poor prognosis because they’ve already spread through the body.
Symptoms and Treatments for Dog and Cat Brain Tumors
Symptoms associated with brain tumors in both cats and dogs are caused by pressure exerted by the cancer mass on the brain. Symptoms may vary depending on what part of the brain the mass is affecting. Symptoms are typically progressive and get more pronounced as the size of the tumor increases but not always.
Symptoms that are common in both dogs and cats include:
  • Decline in mental alertness
  • "Drunk" gait
  • Head pressing
  • Going in circles
  • Seizures
  • Loss of vision in one eye
  • Increased vocalization by cats and less purring
  • Loss of appetite but increase in thirst
The most effective treatment is removal of the entire tumor by surgery but unfortunately that is rarely possible. Of course in the case of secondary tumors, removing the brain tumor does nothing to mitigate the effects of the other cancers in the body.
Chemotherapy is an option for some types of cancer providing the pet is healthy enough to survive the general anesthesia required to administer it. Radiation is another option that can be used to slow the growth of the tumor but is rarely able to eradicate it.
Controlling symptoms is a common approach to dealing with brain tumors and there are a number of options to relieve the pressure on the pet's brain. At the end of the day, pet brain tumors can be treated but rarely completely cured.
If you have questions about pet brain tumors we encourage you to contact Hollywood's favorite veterinary hospital DPC today!

Friday 5 February 2016

Davie’s Top Vet Explains Benefits of Neutering

The Benefits of Getting Your Pet Spayed or Neutered Explains by Davie Florida's Premier Vet

We all know that getting your pet spayed or neutered is the responsible thing to do to help prevent over population. Buy in addition to preventing unwanted litters, there are some long-term health benefits for pets that get spayed or neutered.
Here are just a few of the benefits to you and your pet:
  • Males will do just about anything when it comes to mating like digging under fences to get outside. They can put them selves in danger by getting loose and roaming the streets where they can get hit by a car or run into another male looking for a fight. Neutering keeps your guy close to home.
  • Females in heat have all kinds of issue like frequent urination; that’s both uncomfortable for the pet and annoyance in the house.
  • There’s a misconception out there that neutering and spaying will make your pet obese. It’s not true.
  • Neutering will save you money and keep you pet healthier by keeping them close to home where they can avoid disease.
  • Spaying females before her first heat, can help prevent uterine infections and breast cancer, which is fatal in about 90% of cats and half of dogs.
  • Neutering your puppy can almost eliminate their chance of ever getting testicular cancer.

If you have any questions about getting you pet spayed or neutered give DPC Veterinary Hospital in Davie a call today at (954) 989-9879.