Wednesday 6 April 2016

Hollywood FL Vet Explains the Benefits of Pet Laser Therapy

The Benefits of Pet Laser Therapy Explained by the Hollywood Florida’s Areas Top vet

If your older cat or dog has is in pain or has lost some of the bounce in its step consult a Hollywood, FL vet and discuss the appropriateness of pet laser therapy. Laser therapy has been around for decades for humans and is used to treat athletes for back strain, sore shoulders, knee pain and other ailments. Today the same treatment that NFL pros routinely receive in the locker room is now available for dogs and cats.
If you have an older pet the odds are 1 in 5 that it will develop arthritis but even if it doesn't the tissue around joints will start to deteriorate as part of the natural aging process. In either case your pet will slow down simply to avoid the pain associated with arthritis or "creaky joints."  Laser therapy can rejuvenate those tissues at the cellular level bringing instant relief from discomfort and providing the foundation for healthy cell growth.
How Pet Laser Therapy Works
Lasers are amazingly useful devices for a wide range of diverse tasks including bouncing signals off satellites, slicing metal, precise microsurgery, and in the case of pets, cellular rejuvenation. Lasers are essentially sources of "light energy" that can be tuned to perform specific tasks.
In veterinary use, a small handheld laser emitter is passed over the affected area of the pet by a trained veterinarian delivering "light energy packets." This energy is absorbed by the damaged cells triggering the production of ATP, a substance that fuels the rejuvenation and repair of cells. The more ATP produced the faster the cells are rejuvenated.
For your pet this is a relaxing, no stress experience similar to the way you feel when getting a massage. Your pet will feel a healing warmth and some dogs have been known to get so relaxed they fall asleep. For discomfort associated with arthritis or aging tissue the results are almost immediate and your pet will leave the vet feeling much better than he or she felt when they arrived.
Laser therapy has significant advantages over other treatments. There is no preparation required, no shaving of fur or fasting, obviously no surgical procedure is needed and it is far safer and more desirable than a drug therapy.

If you would like to give your four legged buddy relief from the creaks and pains of getting older, give DPC Veterinary Clinic, a Hollywood favorite pick for animal care a call today for details or to set an appointment. 

Anesthesia Free Pet Dental Cleaning Hollywood FL Vet Explains

What is an Anesthesia Free Pet Dental Cleaning? Hollywood FL Vet Explains

Does your dog or cat need a pet teeth cleaning. Your pet's dental health is just as important to their overall health as good dental health is for humans and just like humans selecting a dentist, you want to ensure that the Hollywood, FL vet that performs the cleaning is
trained and experienced in dental care.
Too often owners put off pet teeth cleaning because it is not an inexpensive procedure and traditionally requires anesthesia, an aspect of teeth cleaning that may put some pets at risk. However, there is an alternative approach to teeth cleaning called non-anesthetic teeth cleaning that some pets may be candidates for that requires no anesthetic and is significantly less expensive.
Don't Neglect Your Pet's Dental Health
If your pet's teeth are brown or yellow they have a buildup of tartar and plaque, two substances that can contribute to serious gum disease. If gum disease is left untreated it can result in the loss of teeth, but just like humans, it can allow bacteria to enter the bloodstream and damage other organs in the body or even cause a complete shutdown of an organ.
If you opt for non-anesthetic teeth cleaning your pet will be evaluated for the risk of existing gum disease. If the risk is minimal your pet will become a candidate for the non-anesthetic technique.
What Does Non-Anesthetic Teeth Cleaning Involve?
Cleaning your cat or dog's teeth using this technique requires a vet or technician that is specifically trained in the process. Because your pet is not being put under, it has to be carefully and gently restrained to allow the technician access to the back teeth. It's much like you opening your mouth at the dentist but of course your pet doesn't know what's going on.
The pet dentist then uses a scaling device that resembles the same tool a dentist uses on a patient to scrape the tarter and plaque off each tooth down to the gum line. This results in white teeth and ending any bad doggie/cat breath that may have been caused by the buildup.
If you think your pet might be a candidate for non-anesthetic teeth cleaning then it's important to know that we have a non-anesthetic dental day scheduled for April 29, 2016 where we are offering the service for $189.00. Call today for details and/or an appointment.